The 7 Proven Ingredients You Need For A Long Lasting Relationship

The 7 Proven Ingredients You Need For A Long Lasting Relationship

If you want to have a long-lasting, happy, and healthy relationship, there are 7 key ingredients you need. Without these 7 things, your relationship will not be as strong as it could be and is likely to fizzle out eventually. The good news is that these 7 things are within your control and are things…

Everything in Life Worth Having Can Take Longer Than You Think It Will

Everything in Life Worth Having Can Take Longer Than You Think It Will

The waiting game can create a lot of anxiety In the interim between what you want and what you have, you might experience anxiety. Anxiety is a natural part of waiting. It’s helpful to approach the anxiety as a positive sign: You’re motivated to do something that’s meaningful to you—and anxiety is your body making…

The illusion of coincidences: Why do we see patterns where there are none?

The illusion of coincidences: Why do we see patterns where there are none?

Do you ever have one of those moments where you think to yourself, “It’s a small world”? You may be surprised to learn that this feeling is more than just a coincidence. It’s what psychologists call the “illusion of coincidences.” This phenomenon occurs when we see patterns in random events and assign meaning to them….

The 5 Things You Need To Quit Doing To Get Your Time Back & Save Money

The 5 Things You Need To Quit Doing To Get Your Time Back & Save Money

Time is a precious commodity. If you feel like you’re always short on time, it’s probably because you’re not using your time wisely. There are a lot of activities that we do daily that are time-consuming and take away valuable time that we could be using to do things that we love. To take back…