Death Is a Subject That No One Has Mastered Dealing With, Including Me.

Death Is a Subject That No One Has Mastered Dealing With, Including Me.

Nellie, our sweet ten-year-old Doberman passed away yesterday afternoon.. Nellie, our sweet ten-year-old Doberman passed away yesterday afternoon. It was sudden and unexpected, we had no idea that she had cancer, Osteosarcoma. We walked three times a day. She was getting older, and the walks became shorter over time. She showed no signs of pain…

Belief Three: Life’s Unique Purpose Is an Adventure and Experiment

Belief Three: Life’s Unique Purpose Is an Adventure and Experiment

There is no predetermined path for everyone. To find our purpose in life, it is our responsibility to figure it out and set our life course. This involves taking stock of our strengths and weaknesses, identifying what motivates and excites us, and setting realistic goals that align with our values. It also means being open…

Photo by Egor Myznik on Unsplash

How To Discern Between Right and Wrong Using Your Conscience as Your Compass

Many of us have been in a situation where we’ve had to make a tough choice, and we weren’t sure which way to go. How do you know if you’re making the right choice? One way to help you make tough decisions is by using your conscience. But what exactly is a conscience? And how…