June 2017 began my Recalculating Period

What is a recalculating period?
There are two concepts that I think best describe what a recalculating period meant.
The first one the GPS device and the second one an Albert Einstein saying.
One benefit during employment was job related travel. During travel usually meant rental cars in a foreign town or country. There were three options I recall on devices before smartphones, either a TomTom, Magellan, or Garmin. They all worked just about the same. I think I had one of each at one time.
The one phrase I recall is “Please wait Recalculating” when you did not follow the driving route to your destination. The device would recalculate the new route based on your current location and destination, and provide a new set of instructions to follow.
The second by Albert Einstein who said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.” And one of my favorite saying to refer to from time to time.
With that thinking I started reviewing what I’d been doing to determine what required some tweaking to not go insane.
My first thought of recalculating
I have in my One Note a page with my early thought about recalculating, the date of March 8,2014. I’ve been posting notes, ideas, and thoughts in One Note for some time. I have referred to it from time to time with my thoughts about this process but only seriously began the process on July 1, 2017.
My recalculating thinking started when I complained to myself about how my life’s path was not what I expected and how I wanted to change it.
And so the actual plan was drawn and the action started.
Why I delayed
I had made commitments I needed to fulfill. Combined with being a generous person who took on new ones that continually extended the start time.
Toss in some procrastination and you have a recipe for something that will surely delay the much-needed change.
I finally reminded myself that I was the right person who is a charge of making change or adjustments.
I decided to changing my direction and to look for new improved results.
So with that introduction I will share my story about how I got to 2019 from Jul 217 and how I’ve successfully “Recalculated” my life, at least for now. I think we all do a small amount of tweaking while we live.
The plan was simple, stop doing as many things in your life as you can so one can review the past, think, plan, and recalculate.
How I accomplished my recalculating
Complete prior commitments.
Reduce as close to zero new commitments to others.
The plan took longer than expected
Originally I thought 6 months, which then ran into and to the end of 2018. I figured by Jan 2, 2019 I have it nailed and all set to start the new adventure.
That did not happen the way I wanted it to, Jan 2019 ended, and into Feb, then March when finally in the beginning of March I finally reached my epiphany, or aha moment.
It was my plan to start this process Jan 1 this year, and it took until Mar 1 to complete the process of recalculating for me. Everything I had planned to complete took a little while longer. I should have really known better. In the real world, you decide how long something will take and then you double and add 5. I had completely forgotten about that rule.
For me the most important part of this experiment is the result and not how long it took.
Warning — The mileage may vary from person to person.
Original plan in 2017 start Jul 1 finish Dec 2017.
Did not work that fast — Version 2 finish Dec 2017 little more.
Need more time -Version 3, dates in June 2018.
More time needed — Version 4 Jan 1, 2019.
This should really do it — Version 5 March 2019.
Finally figured it out for me in March 2019.
The challenge for me was to STOP starting new activities that required me, my time and my talents.
The Result and my new adventure
I am now becoming the Writer I want to be.
Focus is on encouraging Senior Citizen Writers.
Finally figured it out how to get from back there to becoming the writer I want to be in 2019 and beyond.
I hope that this writing will inspire others to “recalculate” with a plan to set a new course for your life.
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Originally published at www.rogerskibowski.com.