Photo by Nathan Cima on Unsplash

The Nostalgic Sound of Childhood: Remembering the Card on Bike Spokes

During the summer months I was delighted to see and hear neighbor children riding bikes and the sound of a card flapping on their bike’s spokes as they rode down the street? This sight and sound took me on   a journey down memory lane as I reflect on the simple pleasure of attaching a playing…

Photo by Anton Nazaretian on Unsplash

How to Describe What Your Unique Philosophy Is

Your personal philosophy is the foundation upon which you build your life. It reflects your values, beliefs, and principles, shaping your thoughts, actions, and decisions. Defining your unique philosophy allows you to gain clarity about your purpose, set meaningful goals, and navigate life with a sense of authenticity and fulfillment. Understanding Philosophy: Philosophy is the…

Belief Three: Life’s Unique Purpose Is an Adventure and Experiment

Belief Three: Life’s Unique Purpose Is an Adventure and Experiment

There is no predetermined path for everyone. To find our purpose in life, it is our responsibility to figure it out and set our life course. This involves taking stock of our strengths and weaknesses, identifying what motivates and excites us, and setting realistic goals that align with our values. It also means being open…