The 5 Things You Need To Quit Doing To Get Your Time Back & Save Money

The 5 Things You Need To Quit Doing To Get Your Time Back & Save Money

Time is a precious commodity. If you feel like you’re always short on time, it’s probably because you’re not using your time wisely. There are a lot of activities that we do daily that are time-consuming and take away valuable time that we could be using to do things that we love. To take back…

Who Do You Trust? 4 Ways To Evaluate The People In Your Life

Who Do You Trust? 4 Ways To Evaluate The People In Your Life

We all have people in our lives that we trust – our family, our friends, our colleagues. But how do we really know whom to trust? How can we be sure that the people in our lives are worthy of our trust? There are certain behaviors and characteristics that trustworthy people tend to display. By…

3 Reasons Elected Officials Aren’t Fixing The US Taxing System

3 Reasons Elected Officials Aren’t Fixing The US Taxing System

The United States has the most complicated tax system in the world. This is not an accident. The complexities of the tax code have been deliberately created by special interests to benefit themselves at the expense of the American people. The result is a system that is rigged against the average taxpayer. The wealthy and…

Saying No is a powerful way of getting your life back in order.

Saying No is a powerful way of getting your life back in order.

Sometimes you have to say No to yourself. Self-discipline is hard because we are our own worst enemies. We honestly know what the right thing to do is, but we don’t always do it. If you want to stop procrastinating and get your life in order, you need to say no to yourself sometimes. That…