You Will Find Joy in the Simple Things of This Complex World Today.
The Observerist
But You Must Stop, Look, and Ponder for a Moment.

You find that joy if you give yourself time. Do not be in a hurry.
The above picture I took at a high school graduation. I have a habit of looking around for interesting observations and pictures. This one caught my eye, and I snapped several.
We all can think back to when we were younger, both as the child in the picture of maybe four or five, and to the time of high school. The world of today has increasingly become more complex for a child of four or five, and high school days.
When thinking back fifty years, there were no distractions from both electronic and social media influences. Zoom like meetings were few, with only company to company location dedicated conference room equipment.
Back in time, there was a term called “Management By Walking Around” also known as “Management by Wandering Around” as part of the Total Quality Management program. The concept was that by personal interactions, management could get honest and personal information not available from any other method.
Walking the dog in the neighborhood, “Meeting neighbors by walking the dog,” I have chatted with neighbors I would have otherwise missed in the digital world.
When you connect with people in person, you will always discover something different from the massive overload of digital connections where everyone seems comfortably numb. You can see things and feel the emotional interactions that digital simply does not provide. The more connections you have, the less personal the contact becomes, as it seems the count is more important than the connection with the contact.
The next time the opportunity affords itself to say “hello” to someone you know or a stranger, the result might surprise you and bring you joy.
Add a smile to the conversation and be genuinely interested in what someone is saying.
People like to share information about themselves in person as much as they do digitally. I met 10 new people recently, most shared information about themselves with little prompting.
Here is the other picture.