Five Reasons to Become a Writer That Can Benefit Senior Citizens.

Senior Citizen Writer’s Reason Four — Writing Makes One Immortal. Photo by Beth Macdonald on Unsplash Five reasons to become a writer that can benefit senior citizens. Writing is a great hobby for senior citizens. We can do it from home, at the library, or on the go with smartphones or tablets. Writing has many benefits, including mental stimulation,…

My Ninety-Six-Year-Old Friends Passed Away Last Week, After a Short Ailment.

This Writer’s Journey This Is the Message I Had His Stepdaughter Read to Him the Day Before He Passed. Photo by JD Mason on Unsplash My ninety-six-year-old friends passed away last week, after a short ailment. This is the message I had his stepdaughter read to him the day before he passed. Hello Bob, this is your friend…

The Way a Pilot Gets Better Is Both Learning and Time in the Air.

This Writer’s Journey All Pilots Did Not Start as Pilots. They, Over Time, Learned How to Fly and Became Pilots. Photo by Carl Nenzen Loven on Unsplash So it is with a writer, but our time in the air is words published, not just written. This message is just as much pointed to me as inspiration to others….

Everyday Life for a Person on the Street Can Be Both Simple and Complex, I Can Only Imagine.

The Observerist There Are Many Who I Believe Are Genuinely in Need of help, Others I Am Not Sure Of. Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash Street people I would like to call them instead of homeless. Their home for this point in time is the street with no specific address to call their own. They usually…

What if Satellites With Solar Panels Could Transmit Electrical Power to Land Collector Sites?

What If Theory Simply Beam It Down to the Planet’s Collectors. Photo by Gabriel Griego on Unsplash The planet and we would have a lower-cost renewable energy source. Collecting the solar energy at the higher level there would be fewer losses. We could then reduce the dependency on fossil fuels sources. We have today satellites beaming down internet…