Retired Now What to Do, One Option Is Enter the Work Force.

Retired Now What to Do I have noticed that the more and more of the senior population is entering the workforce in record numbers Photo by Rolando Garrido on Unsplash I see the senior population alive and well, working in many minimum wage jobs. Most all of them, including myself now, are besides alive and well, happy, and…

Jumping in a Puddle and Displacing the Water Has Some Magical Attraction.

I Want You to See, Hear, Taste, Smell, and Feel the Way I Did When I Write Stories. Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash One of my current goals is that you can imagine yourself next to me while you are reading my writings. This is a stretch goal that I will work harder to attain. What if…

The Day Before My Sixty-Ninth Birthday I Was Let Go From My Job.

The Day Before My Sixty-Ninth Birthday I Was Let Go From My Job. I Started the Job Only Seven Weeks Earlier. Photo by Foto Sushi on Unsplash This letter serves as written notice that your employment with Blue Company LLC has been terminated. (Blue Company LLC) — is not the real name of the company Your laptop, phone, company credit…

Having Trouble Figuring Out Which Door in Your Life to Open, Open Them All

A Journey in Life But Not All at the Same Time Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay Open them all, but not at the same time. Life is an experiment and adventure all at the same time. If you open all the doors you will not have sufficient time to experiment and come to conclusions. You will be in…

What if Things Were Different and Earth Could Be a Better Place?

What If Theory What if Amazon Employees and customers were in charge? Photo by Solen Feyissa on Unsplash ‘You Guys Paid for All of This’, Jeff Bezos Thanks Amazon Employees, Customers, After Returning From Space. What if both Amazon Customers and Amazon Employees had a voice in making the earth a better place for both current and future generations?…