Out There — Long Distance Calling

WRITING INSPIRED BY: SONGS The congressional UFO report is expected soon. Image by Author According to the New York Intelligencer. One of the many curiosities packed into the $2.3 billion omnibus spending and coronavirus-relief package passed by Congress in December was a stipulation requiring the Department of Defense and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence to…

Song: Distraction Days by The Album Leaf

WRITING INSPIRED BY: SONGS You Have the Day All Planned, You Have Scheduled Everything Into a Time Slot. Photo by Ian Taylor on Unsplash You have the day all planned; you have scheduled everything into a time slot. And then the unexpected happens, and it diverted your attention from the planned activity. Your first distraction event just happened;…

Song: Teach Me To Fly Don’t Teach Me To Land by April Rain

WRITING INSPIRED BY: SONGS Photo by Westwind Air Service on Unsplash David does not want to Land David was our neighbor and a pilot in the military for 20 years. He loved the idea of flying since he was a child. When he was old enough, he joined the Navy and learned to fly planes. After being in…

Song: The Guardians of the Deepness by Those Who Ride With Giants

Writing Inspired By: Song Photo by Roger Skibowski on Unsplash I am intrigued and amazed by the rising of the sun since I was young. The raising of the sun still is happening even if you do not see it behinds the clouds. We all talk about the rising of the sun, but in fact the sun is…

Thirty Days of Writing Inspired by Music, Instrumental Rock That Is

Writing Inspired By Music Stay tuned. I will update this article daily. Photo by Sam Moqadam on Unsplash This is my writing prompt for June 2021. For the month of June I will write one article per day minimum using the title of a song to start the writing juices flowing. Each day I will add the article…