Does the Subconscious Mind Exist After We Die and Lose This Clay Form?

Writing Inspired By But in all that wondering, why is it the subconscious never needs to sleep? Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash Writing Inspired By Article from Tochukwu Okoro Does the subconscious mind exist after we die and lose this clay form? Another one of those unanswerable questions: we do not get the answer until later. But in all…

You Might Find the Signal Now That the Noise Is at a Smaller Hum.

There will be more change in the future The pilot has changed course and let some crew members off the plane. Photo by Adam Winger on Unsplash I published this article on Mar 15, 2021, my perception piece for what I thought was going on at Medium. I wrote this article after hearing the chatter about low views and…

Life Is a Series of Experiments and Adventures, and Medium Is One of Those.

Welcome to the Medium Plane Using the Concept of Building the Plane While Flying It. Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash Welcome to the Medium Plane Medium are making changes and tweaks all while the platform is in flight. The adjustments benefit both writers and readers alike. Medium has not reached its destination and may not reach one,…