Every Hundred Years New Riders on the Carousel of Life

Life is like a carousel. It goes around and around, and people get on and people get off. Some people stay longer. Some people don’t stay very long.
Carousels are a common sight at amusement parks and carnivals. They are also a popular metaphor for life. The comparison is apt in many ways. Like a carousel, life goes around and around. People get on and they get off. Some people stay longer. Some people don’t stay very long.
The carousel of life is a never-ending cycle. It keeps going and going. And, like a carousel, it can be a lot of fun. But it can also be frustrating. It can be difficult to slow down or stop. It can be hard to get off and on. And sometimes, people stay on longer than others. But eventually, everyone gets off.
Still, the carousel of life is worth riding. It’s worth the ups and downs. It’s worth the laughter and the tears. Because, in the end, we all take our final ride on the carousel of life.
What is a carousel?
The carousel represents the planet Earth that to our knowledge is turning around and around. It has been going on for some undetermined exact time. And to the best of our guesstimate will continue for unknow time.
But unlike the carousel, we do not really know who the maker of the planet Earth is. We have thousands of ideas and speculations. There are many religions explaining as to how the planet and its inhabitants including us, get on the ride of life. One Wikipedia page says “There are an estimated 10,000 distinct religions worldwide” while another says “According to some estimates, there are roughly 4,200 religions, churches, denominations, religious bodies, faith groups, tribes, cultures, movements, ultimate concerns, which at some point in the future will be countless”
My long standing comment is that all religions cannot be right, but they all can be wrong. I am comfortable with considering no explanation and putting the idea in the unknow unknowns bucket.
What is life like on a carousel?
Life is what we make of it by the effort we put into it.
Most people believe that life is what we make of it. This is because we can control our thoughts, emotions, and actions. We can choose what we put our effort into, and this determines the outcome of our lives.
While it is true that we have some control over our lives, there are also many factors that are beyond our control. We cannot control the environment we are born into, our genetics, or the people around us. We also cannot control the events that happen to us. Despite all these factors, we still have the power to choose how we react to them and what we make of our lives.
We can always choose how to respond to life’s challenges. We can choose to let circumstances control us, or we can choose to control our own lives.
Why do people get on and off the carousel?
We are born and someday we will die. More times than not we have no control over how long we will be on the planet Earth. What we do with the time in between is what matters. We can choose to live our lives with intention, or we can let life pass us by.
It is up to each of us to make the most of the time we have been given. We can choose to spend our time wisely, doing things that make us happy and fulfilled. Or we can waste our time on things that don’t really matter in the grand scheme of things.
It is up to each of us to decide how we will spend our time on this earth. Will we make the most of it, or will we let it just slip away?
What are the benefits of staying on the carousel longer?
I do know that being kind and taking care of yourself will make the stay on this planet longer and more enjoyable.
The world can be a difficult place. There is a lot of hurt and pain, and it can be easy to get caught up in it all. But I do know that being kind and taking care of yourself will make the stay on this planet longer and more enjoyable. It is so important to be kind to yourself and to others. We all deserve compassion and love.
One of the best ways to be kind to yourself is to take care of your body. Eat healthy foods, exercise, get enough sleep, and take time to relax. When you take care of your body, you are showing yourself that you are worth taking care of. When you’re kind to yourself, it makes it easier to be kind to others.
So, be kind to yourself and to others. It will make the world a better place and your life more enjoyable.
I do not know where we existed before arriving on this planet and have no idea where we will be after we leave. Because it does not matter what I think, the reality to me is also to place the notion in the unknow unknowns bucket.
Life is like a carousel.
People are born and people die, and everyone’s time on the carousel is different. To make the most of your time on the carousel, be kind and take care of yourself. Some people don’t stay very long. Life is what we make of it by the effort we put into it. We are born and someday we will die. More times than not we have no control over how long we will be on the planet Earth. The benefits of staying on longer are that you get to experience more of life and make more memories.