Walking the dog in the morning is another writing muse.
Writing Inspired By
I walk with no music and only have my mind thinking about writing.

There is a lovely home at the end of the street which has a long driveway lined with trees that are in bloom this time of year, it is a truly peaceful sight.
There was a song back in the sixties by Rufas Thomas call Walking the Dog. Many artists also recorded the song. I think about that song sometimes while walking.
The walk benefits both the dog and the person who is holding the leash.
I have two neighbors who walk the dog leach-less; it makes it look like the dog is walking the humans.
The early morning air smell so fresh, especially after a night’s rain. The smell of fresh blossoms on the trees and the colors of both white and pink. Iris and daffodils are also blooming this time of year.
Sounds of the birds in the trees, some birds answering others, some sound like they are singing as though they are part of a symphony with a conductor.
There are several lots throughout the neighborhood where a home was never built, and that adds to the feeling of open space within our neighborhood.
While taking the walks on different day we see landscape services at work on a high percentage of the homes. There are a few of the homes that seem to need landscape tune-ups, as they have not played attention to the outside of the home.
There is this one home, where the overgrown bushes cause one to go into the street to pass this home. I have thought I might approach the owner, with my electric hedge trimmers in hand. Offer to trim up the bushes that overhang on the sidewalk, but then I think maybe best to wait and be patient.
During the walk there is the “hello” or a waving of hands to a person who is heading off to work. I have seen several neighbors taking their children or grandchildren to school.
During one conversation with a man named Greg, I learned he and his wife had been married for 44 years. As we chatted, he mentions the marriages of his neighbors on both sides. One of his neighbors, they were in their eighties, married 41 years, and one day announced they are divorcing and selling their home. They had just spent the several years prior remodeling and updating the home. The neighbor on the other side, her husband died several years ago. They had been married for 55 years. The lady’s husband had health issues that led to his death, and he knew of the neighbor’s relentless care for him. She told him that was what she signed up for when they got married, she was committed to the marriage and loved him dearly. There were many years that she cared for him. Prior to getting married they both agreed that Care Facilities were completely out of the question for either of them. We both remarked “That is true love at its best.” This article reminds me of the commitment they made, and the same commitment my wife and I made to each other 30 years ago.
We recently moved to this neighborhood, it is a joy to walk the dog while meeting and talking with neighbors who were strangers before engaging in conversations pass “Hello.”
This article was the product of the walk for several days before completing the writing.
Let me know where you get inspiration for some of your writing. Feel free to comment or email me at roger@rogerskibowski.com