What If All Vehicles on The Road Have the potential to Generate Electricity for the Grid?
They do today and with what I will call B2G Technology (Battery To Grid) it is possible.

Imagine for a moment what is possible
What if all vehicles on the road today could generate electrical power and store it in a second battery for every mile they drive and offload that energy on to the grid through stations at home, businesses, or a network of receiving stations while on the road?
Likely within the next twenty years, some amount of both gas and diesel vehicles will be on the road until fully electric vehicles have been both perfected and fully adopted. Let take advantage of the free electricity. What if individuals, businesses, and governments installed B2G on all vehicles? This has the potential to reduce the dependency on fossil fuels for the generation of electricity.
B2G Free electrical Power to the Electrical Grid
After, the initial investment for the installation of equipment in your vehicle and the connecting point to deliver the power to the grid the electrical power is one hundred percent profit, minus the cost that service providers would charge to transfer the power to the grid while away from your home or business.
With the right components and B2G Technology (Battery To Grid) anyone can do it today. There are five basic components required to get the free electricity from your vehicle to the grid. They are a second battery, dual battery isolator, Grid Tie Inverter, electricity usage monitor, and connection to the grid.
Second Battery Installation
B2G requires a second battery to be installed in your vehicle as the place to store the additional electricity that your vehicle can generate at no additional cost to you. The second battery should match your original battery in the event your primary battery reaches end-of-life. In the event your primary battery fails, you could use the second battery to start your vehicle. After installing the second battery, installing a dual monitor would provide you access to the charging state of the both the primary and second batteries like the instrumentation that exists today on your dashboard.
You may face a challenge finding a location for the second battery, associated cabling and isolator. I suggest contact a professional mechanic for suggestions. Many cars today have batteries in the vehicle’s rear, enabling you to use the additional space for the second battery.
Dual Battery Isolator
The Dual Battery Isolator ensures the primary battery is ready for continued use as it is today. The isolator will give the first battery charging priority and charge the second battery when there is no need to charge the first battery. Dual Isolator prices vary for less than one hundred to several hundred. Many of the dual battery isolators come in kits that include the cabling.
Connecting the battery to the grid
Grid Tie Inverter
An inverter converts the battery’s DC (Direct Current) voltage to AC (Alternating Current). AC is the power type typical available power to your home. We connect this device to the second battery enabling you to get the free electricity. The dual battery isolator prevents the drawing down of the primary battery so only the second battery’s power is going to the grid.
Why you need to use a grid tie inverter and not just an inverter?
They equipped grid tie inverters today with sophisticated and sensitive power electronics that instantly detect grid line disturbances and automatically disconnect from the grid within milliseconds.
The importance of this safety feature is that it protects the worker from being electrocuted by the high voltage source on or around the downed utility lines. Grid tie inverters use standard electrical fuses to shut off their connection to the grid in case of any problem.
Electricity Usage Monitor
The electricity usage monitor connected between the output from the gris tie inverter and the grid. Some grid tie investors have usage monitors incorporated into their systems. This provides you with the ability to track the amount of electricity from the inverter to the grid. There are many devices available on the market today to trace appliances or other items in your home. You will find one for less than fifty dollars, simply search for Electricity Usage Monitor.
Dual Battery Kits
One alternative to purchasing individual components is to purchase a Dual Battery Kits. Dual Battery Kits have been available on the market for many years, with a focus primarily on off-road vehicles. Kits vary in price depending on the equipment bundled, features, some include batteries. You may find one designed specifically for your vehicle.
Opportunities to use B2G (Battery To Grid) Today
Today it is possible to create a transfer station in your home or business with a grid tie invertor sized for single home use or larger grid tie invertors for multiply connections for any size business with a fleet of vehicles.
Businesses or governments with a fleet of gas or diesel vehicles that travel hundreds of miles daily would be a great candidate for a B2G installation. A small investment in the B2G equipment for each vehicle and off-loading station to the grid would immediately reduce their consumption of electricity from the grid.
Commercial on the road network of Bidirectional Charging Stations
Several fully electric vehicle manufacturers have announced bidirectional charging capabilities, which provide transferring the electrical energy from the car battery to the grid as well and the then charging the battery.
Placing a Bidirectional Charging Stations in your home, business, or commercial locations would vastly increase the delivery of battery power to the grid opportunities.
Having a Smart Bidirectional Charging Stations in your home or business in the future for fully electric or hybrid vehicles could move the power from the vehicle’s battery to the grid during high demand period and return the power to the battery during low demand periods.
The Remaining Questions
How many kilowatts could a 12 volt DC battery provide daily?
What is the long-term effect on the vehicle’s generator?
How long would it take to pay back the initial investment?