Belief Four: The Unique Three Bucket Thinking System
The concept of the three buckets is a powerful metaphorical representation for organizing and processing thoughts surrounding a particular subject matter.

In Belief One I talk about the three pillars of uniqueness: body, spirit, and environment. Explaining how each of these pillars contributes to our individuality and how they interact with each other to shape our identity.
The body is the physical manifestation of our uniqueness, the vessel through which we interact with the world around us. Our physical characteristics, such as our gender, physical abilities, and genetic makeup, are all unique to us. These characteristics influence how we are perceived by others and how we perceive the world ourselves.
The spirit is the intangible aspect of our being, encompassing our core values, beliefs, and essence as individuals. It is the accumulation of our thoughts, learning, and opinions that shape our unique perspective and contribute to our overall character. Our spirit evolves and grows as we navigate through life, gathering wisdom and deepening our understanding of ourselves and the world.
The environment is the physical and social world around us. It includes our upbringing, cultural influences, and the people we interact with. The environment shapes our perspectives, provides the input that molds our identity, and influences our beliefs and behaviors.
Our uniqueness is shaped by the combination of our physical being, our inner self, and environmental factors. By understanding and embracing these aspects of ourselves, we can live more fully in a richly diverse world.
Belief Four Is About Thinking
Belief four centers around the understanding that our thoughts and mindset are influenced and directed by our inner spirit. It acknowledges that our beliefs, values, and attitudes are formed within our minds and are shaped by our spiritual essence.
This belief implies that our thoughts are not solely a product of external factors or societal influences, but also reflect the deeper essence of our being. It suggests that our spirit plays a crucial role in directing our thinking patterns, decision-making, and overall mental state.
Belief four also emphasizes that we can control and shape our thoughts. It implies that we can cultivate positive, empowering, and growth-oriented thinking patterns through nurturing our spirit. By aligning our thoughts with our inner spirit, we can foster a mindset that is in harmony with our values, beliefs, and aspirations.
The Three Buckets
The concept of the three buckets is a powerful metaphorical representation for organizing and processing thoughts surrounding a particular subject matter.
The three buckets are storage areas for different states of thought and unique thinking for any subject matter.
The center bucket plays a critical role as the processing center for our thoughts. It is where we actively engage in analyzing and synthesizing information related to the subject matter. This bucket serves as the hub of our thinking process, helping us develop a well-rounded understanding of the topic.
The first of the other two buckets contains the current state of the thought, while the second bucket contains another version or state of the thought.
We all have thousands and thousands of the three bucket incidents active at any given time. As we age the number can easily increase. Some incidents can be inactive and reactivated for further processing.
Categories, Topic, Subject Matter
Categories, topics, and subject matter are three levels that we use to organize and understand the world around us. Categories are broad groups of things that share some similarities. For example, animals are a category that includes various species such as dogs, cats, and birds. Categories help us to organize and classify different types of things.
Topics, on the other hand, are more specific than categories. They focus on a particular aspect or area within a category. Using the example of animals, a topic could be about different types of dogs. Topics allow us to delve deeper into a specific subject within a broader category.
Subject matter is the most specific level. It involves the details and facts that we learn about a specific topic. It provides a more in-depth understanding of a subject and helps us develop deeper knowledge and expertise. For instance, subject matter in the context of animals could involve studying a particular dog breed, its characteristics, habits, and behaviors.
Information, Thought, and Thinking
Information is the foundation of our understanding of the world around us.
Our senses constantly gather data and send it to our brains, where it is thought streams, and processed or interpreted. This information encompasses everything from the colors we see to the sounds we hear, the tastes, and smells we experience, and the sensations we feel.
What is fascinating is that everyone processes this information uniquely. Our backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives shape how we interpret and make sense of the information we receive. This means that two people can observe the same event or receive the same information, and yet come to different conclusions or have different beliefs about it.
As we continue to gather new information throughout our lives, it is natural for our beliefs to evolve and change. With new data, we can reevaluate our perspectives, challenge our assumptions, and revise our understanding of the world.
Being open to new information and willing to adapt our beliefs is a sign of intellectual growth and curiosity. It allows us to expand our knowledge and embrace new ideas. This process of constant learning and updating our beliefs is what enables us to grow as individuals and as a society.
Thought is the accumulation of content.
Thought is a dynamic process that involves the integration and synthesis of various sources of content. While it is true that information plays a crucial role in shaping our thoughts and perspectives, it is important to recognize that thought goes beyond the mere accumulation of content.
The accumulation of content, such as information, data, and experiences, provides the foundation upon which thought can be built. It serves as the raw material that professionals draw upon to generate insights, make informed decisions, and solve complex problems.
However, it is essential to note that the quality and effectiveness of thought are not solely determined by the amount of information amassed. True thoughtfulness requires the ability to analyze, interpret, and synthesize diverse and sometimes conflicting pieces of information.
Thought is a cognitive process that involves not only the accumulation of content but also applying critical thinking skills. It requires the ability to evaluate the relevance, reliability, and validity of information, and to recognize patterns, connections, and implications.
Thoughtfulness is a skill that can be cultivated and developed through continuous learning, reflection, and engagement with different perspectives. Professionals who excel in thoughtfulness can navigate complex issues, consider multiple viewpoints, and make well-informed decisions.
Thinking is the processing of thoughts.
Processing thoughts is a natural and complex cognitive process that involves the brain’s ability to receive, interpret, and analyze information. The brain receives input from various sources, including our senses and previous knowledge, and then processes this information to form thoughts, ideas, and beliefs.
The process of thought processing can be compared to the way information is processed in a computer system. Just like a computer receives input data, processes it, and produces output, our brains receive input in the form of sensory information. Process it through various cognitive processes, and generate output in the form of thoughts, decisions, and actions.
One Unique Way Of Organizing Our Thinking
Together, these three levels – categories, topics, and subject matter – help us make sense of the world and learn new things. They provide a framework for organizing knowledge and developing our beliefs, values, and positions in life. By exploring different categories, diving into specific topics, and delving further into subject matter, we can gain a deeper understanding of the world and expand our knowledge base.
Information is the raw material we receive from our senses about the world around us. Every person interprets information uniquely, and as we gather new information, our beliefs and perspectives can change and evolve. Embracing this constant learning and adaptation is crucial for personal growth and intellectual development.
Thought is more than the accumulation of content. It involves the integration, analysis, and application of information to generate meaningful insights and solutions. Professionals who strive for thoughtfulness can leverage their knowledge and expertise to make informed decisions and contribute to the advancement of their field.
Thinking is the processing of thought, which is a complex and intricate process that plays a fundamental role in our everyday lives. Understanding how our brains process thoughts can help us improve cognitive processes, enhance decision-making abilities, and develop strategies for effective communication and problem-solving.
By using the three bucket system, we can effectively consider and explore various angles, opinions, and theories related to the subject matter. It allows us to examine different states of thought and consider alternative perspectives, contributing to a more comprehensive and well-informed analysis.