Writing Inspired By

Writing Inspired By A collection of Ideas to Inspire Writers Photo by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash The Journey Begins The beginning thought focused on Songs. And to that the idea of Song Inspired Writing. From there other ideas appeared, Talking To Strangers, Other Writers, and Thinking. I’m sure there are more ideas floating around. The collection is still…

Writer’s Accomplishment: Organizing Organizing Organizing, OneNote, One Drive, and Google Drive.

Yes I discovered that the oldest date on my collection was late in 2009. OneNote I started writing in Word in 2009, since that was what I used mostly professionally. I managed IT support teams before retiring and knew the product pretty well. In 2010, I began using OneNote as an electronic NoteBook. I found the…

So the question is, do you have what it takes to be a writer?

When you get up in the morning, what do you think of first? Photo by Jan Antonin Kolar on Unsplash I have been guilty of collecting and starting articles that I have not completed or published. So my experiment for 2021 is simply to publish daily. I will dig into my one drive, google drive, or…