Writer’s Accomplishment: Organizing Organizing Organizing, OneNote, One Drive, and Google Drive.
Yes I discovered that the oldest date on my collection was late in 2009.

I started writing in Word in 2009, since that was what I used mostly professionally. I managed IT support teams before retiring and knew the product pretty well.
In 2010, I began using OneNote as an electronic NoteBook. I found the structure the closest to an analog notebook. OneNote was always available if you had access to your computer. Later it became available on smartphones and tablets. I would always know where my digital files were and could not misplace them analog notebook. An additional benefit they were searchable.
Today the size of Writer OneNote file is One Note 750 meg.
I started using OneDrive in the early 2000 when Microsoft called it SkyDrive. At some point they included OneDrive with Office subscriptions, which would later renamed to Office365 as the product entered the subscription business model.
OneDrive became my desktop backup. I could access my desktop files on the web, or my Laptop, smartphones, or Tablets.
My One Drive today has 14 gig of files for my writing habit that consists mostly of Word Documents, some pictures, and some PDF for reading.
I use google for my roger@rogerskibow.com email services which comes with 30 gig of file space for email, photos and Google Drive. Although there are many kinds of files that you can store on GoogleDrive, I mostly use it to store docs, spreadsheets, and some pictures.
Mid 2020 I started using Google Drive to store my 2020 attempt to give more time to writing. Just like my other attempts, I grew my inventory of articles of started and not finished. With this attempt at writing because I actually published some of this set of articles.
The size of my Google Drive today is 350 meg of files, mostly google docs, a sprinkling of spreadsheets, and a few PDFs.
Sorting, Sorting, and more sorting…….
I now have three different locations containing files from the years of unfinished articles waiting for me to edit and publish them.
I have spent the last several weeks doing some basic sorting, moving, deleting and some basic organizing, readying them for The Plan 2021. I will organize the unfinished articles in a structure that will support my Writing Goals.
Next Steps — Create A Writer’s Plan and Goals for 2021
Included in my 2021 Writer’s Plan and goals, there is a section to organize my three sources of future articles.
I will publish my full Plan and Goals for 2021 by February 1, 2021, stay tuned.
I had prior commitments in 2019 and 2020 that prevented me from dedicating the proper time to writing. I have completed those commitments and I am free to roam around the cabin of writing.
I am so excited to become the best version of myself as a writer in 2021.