Having Trouble Figuring Out Which Door in Your Life to Open, Open Them All
A Journey in Life
But Not All at the Same Time

Open them all, but not at the same time.
Life is an experiment and adventure all at the same time. If you open all the doors you will not have sufficient time to experiment and come to conclusions. You will be in a loop chasing your tail around and around.
Multitasking is overrated.
Opening several doors at the same time and compare results, then close some door and open others. You may decide that some doors need to be shut and never opened again. Others door you may consider open at another time. The trick is to know what doors to open when, and when to shut some open doors. And of course the magic of knowing when to never open some doors. Too many at the same time will overwhelm you and slow your progress.
The path of those that have traveled before us.
We can read or know firsthand of the many who have opened doors and their results. Because mileage may vary, each person who opens door their results can be as different as snowflakes.
Open as many doors as you can, because as some will fail, others will show success for you.
The more you attempt and fail, the more opportunity there are for success. Starring at the doors and doing nothing will produce a 100 percent failure. Opening doors will reduce the failure percent and increase successful ventures in your life.
I am applying this advice to my writing.
Adding more articles to my inventory of published articles. Reducing my inventory of incomplete and up-published articles.
I will carve out time as many consecutive days in a row to complete and publish articles. Some may not be hits, others will. If I just sit and wait to write the hits, I will miss all the other opportunities.
I will write more and more.
If you have the same understanding about writing, then let us both move down the road of finishing and publishing our writing art.