The Biggest Thing I Have Learned Is About How to Learn Big Things.
Senior Citizen Writers
The Answers You Are Looking for Are Found in New Information.

How Do You Get Newly gained information?
It requires you seeking the newly gained information; it does not come to you through osmosis or unconscious assimilation of ideas, knowledge, etc.
The focus of this article is reading material and video inputs, books, articles, news, magazines and other written media, movies, YouTube, podcasts, and any of the many video sources available today.
Most people have their favorite source for which they trust and believe. Others sample from many sources available and change their sources from time to time. You change to see newly gained information and perspectives. Some change sources because you no longer agree with the information.
The constant inputs keep your brain active and healthy, and you feel alive.
Regular doses of newly gained information contribute to interaction with others, because you have thoughts and opinions to share.
Your Filtering Process
During the learning process you are filtering the newly gained information, comparing it to information you already have or your opinions on a similar topic. You accept the information and store it if you trust and believe the information or the source. If you do not believe it, you may simply toss it aside or stored for future comparison.
We repeat this process many times every day for all information taken in by everyone. From this continuing flow of information, we build our opinions and belief systems. What we trust in and what we do not. The more information we have available provides greater opportunity to upgrade our opinions and belief systems.
It works the same for trusted information and misinformation or misleading information. If people store misinformation or misleading information and trust it, then the next piece of information that agrees with it seems palatable and continues to agree with their opinion.
We will base the Conversations you have with others on your stored information.
Interactions with others, be it family and friends, business associates, or complete strangers all comes from the information you have accumulated, filtered, and stored in your brain. Your stored information is the source of what you must work with while interacting with others.
By continually adding newly gained information, updating existing information, and tossing out old or obsolete information, you have a rock-solid information and opinions.
That interaction comes in many flavors and will show up in your writing. Writing in the beginning is a one-way conversation and turns into an interactive conversation when people offer opinions to the author. The result is both the writer, and the reader gain additional information.
Bottom line — Always be in the Position to Take in Newly gained information.
Being always open to newly gained information, you leave the door open to learning something new that changes or upgrades your thinking. Making you a better person and leading to a happier life.
If you stop taking in newly gained information, you remain stagnant with old information that might be obsolete. Incorrect information will lead to poor or bad decisions, and you risk being stuck in a different time and out of sync with current reality.
A writer needs newly gained information to keep writing.
If you are in the business of writing, then you need newly gained information.
Want to prevent writer’s block, get newly gained information regularly. Let it marinate for a while, then act on that newly gained information and tell your readers.