This is My Life: 50 years ago
I was a Senior in high school, next year I would graduate.

Lunch at our High School
Our high school had an open campus for lunch. There was food that could be purchased on campus. A group of us that would go off campus for lunch to a deli that made some of the most fantastic sandwiches. I would have ham and swiss cheese on rye, or liverwurst on rye.
Electric Mechanical Technology — Vocational School
My high school had vocational training for half of the day in our junior and senior years.
We were bused or if we wanted, and had a car we would leave campus after lunch and head for the specialized vocational school campus.
I really like these classes. I took the lessons seriously, studied, and had grades between B+ and A-.
Later in life I would learn that this was the beginning of my technology journey
I would graduate the year in June 1070
I recall a popular song by Alice Cooper, I’m Eighteen.
This was the lyrics that still ring in my head from that time.
I’m eighteen
And I don’t know what I want
I just don’t know what I want
I gotta get away
I gotta get out of this place
I’ll go runnin’ in outer space
Oh yeah
I worked in a Rental Yard until May 1971
I had several jobs while in high school, busboy, doughnut shop, gas station attendant, I even started a gardening service and pulled weeds.
Once ouinquired of a single asked this man who was the single person local rental yard if he was hiring, he said yes, told what he expected and I was hired.
I learned a lot while working there. Rebuilding small engines, three kinds of welding, running the day to day operations.
Pacific Telephone and Telegraph
In May 1971 I would begin working as a lineman at the then Pacific Telephone and Telegraph in the Bay Area, that later would change their name to Pacific Bell.
I continued working for 26 plus years by transferring to different jobs and departments. The Company also when through additional name changes. many of name changes.
I was 46 years old in 1997 when the company offered a great early retirement buy out package. The retirement and medical was too good to turn down.
It took several weeks to review package, I pulled the trigger and signed the paperwork.
Looking back I should have taken some time off, but I interviewed for several jobs, selected one and started the following Monday after my last day at Pacific Bell.