You Might Find the Signal Now That the Noise Is at a Smaller Hum.
There will be more change in the future
The pilot has changed course and let some crew members off the plane.

I published this article on Mar 15, 2021, my perception piece for what I thought was going on at Medium.
I wrote this article after hearing the chatter about low views and reads by writers with large following. Many of these writers have seen a change in readers that resulted lower earnings. We all were part of the Medium experiment, nothing was for sure, most of life experiments have NO guarantees.
The noise has been at a high hum for some time and climaxed on Tuesday with an explanation.
Readers highlighted most of the article, leaving only a few sentences showing as not highlighted.
The most import part of the message to me is this.
There will be more change in the future.–Ev Williams
Let us not forget that Medium is an experiment.
When you signed up to be a member, there was no guarantee that you would make a ton of money, make a ton of money for the rest of your life, nor a guarantee that you would like the ride. It is that simple.
Maybe Ev Williams is more like Santiago in The Alchemist and after wandering around a journey is back close to where he started.
Dreaming of becoming a better writer.
What I like about my medium journey is that I can dream of becoming a writer, see other writers in different versions of them self. That has allowed me to experiment. We have a long journey ahead of us. You can expect to make the next year the best version of yourself the future writer.
We all want this plane to still be in the air for some time, for me and for other future writers. “On the job learning” is the most valuable. The cost is affordable, no student loans required.
There are those writers who started on Medium and have branched out to other opportunities. Congratulations, some making room for new writers to gain readers and most of all experience at the craft of writing.
Many of the new writers can see successful writers as a future version of their self in some time with effort on their part.
The more people see Medium as a place for new writers to hang out and learn writing skills, experiment, have adventure and maybe change your life, then that is good.
I write to learn to express my thoughts and opinions in written form. I write to improve both my writing habit and skill over time. This is my sixty-first published articles, many more on the way. It has taken me almost two years to get this far in this writers journey. I plan to continue.