It is Not Too Late to Reach for Your Writer Dreams

Focus and reducing distractions can be an uphill battle. Photo by Jared Sanders on Unsplash If you are an aspiring writer stuck between the beginning of your writer dream and accomplished writer, this article is for you. 2009 was the first time I consider writing was something I wanted to do. Before that writing was something, I was…

What It Might Be Like Passing Family History From Fur Kid to Fur Kid

I imagined Elvis speaking with Misty one day. Photo by Laith Abushaar on Unsplash What the conversation might be between a Blue Doberman male and a Fawn Doberman female after we adopted her, and they are hanging out. I imagined Elvis speaking with Misty one day. What I must share with you will take me some time,…

The Moment You Realize You Missed an Opportunity Almost 7 Years Ago.

Writing Inspired By Time To me it was a schedule delayed for a better time. Photo by Matthew T Rader on Unsplash To me it was a schedule delayed for a better time in the future and that future is now. Today while reviewing articles in my article inventory, some that date back to 2009 and found a…

How Can You Tell If You Are Full Of Crap?

Writing Inspired By Thinking Follow this simple test Photo by Claudio Schwarz | @purzlbaum on Unsplash How can you tell if you’re full of crap? 1) Getup in the morning, 2) weigh yourself prior to (taking a crap, exhaling solid waste, taking a sh!t, or whatever you call it). 3) Don’t drink or eat anything before you take the…