Stop Using Mental Masturbation as an Excuse Not to Write.

This Writer’s Journey Do not sit naked staring dots and an offline television. This Message Is to Encourage Other Writers as Well as Myself. Photo by Kyle Cleveland on Unsplash You Can Stop Using Mental Masturbation as an Excuse Not to Write. suggests that the meaning for Mental-masturbation is one of two meanings. Engaging in intellectually stimulating conversation…

All of Our Foods We Take In Should Be Organic and Chemical Free

Morning Rant We would likely live longer with fewer aliments Photo by Bethany Szentesi on Unsplash Most human created chemicals and pharmaceutical have side effects or contain warnings statements. They posted warnings on the products labels, talk about it int aired commercials, and in any advertisements. Creating chemicals and pharmaceutical cost money. People and created entities, businesses,…

The Here and Hereafter — Song by if These Trees Could Talk

WRITING INSPIRED BY: MUSIC We kind of know something about the here, the hereafter we have far too many theories. Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash When we think about the hereafter many seem to ponder and look into the sky, intending to make connection out there that represents the hereafter. Most religions have some indications…