When all you want to do is write.
This Writer’s Journey
The overwhelming feeling of happiness, the kind that lingers around for a while.

Soon after publishing my most recent article, I discovered something was different.
The feeling of being thrilled and enthusiastic about life which soon turned into happiness. I have had happy moments in the past, but today the happiness arrived with a better understanding of my “all I want to do is write” feeling.
I realized recently I am constantly composing article ideas, a paragraph, or a thought for an existing article. This is occurring when I am awake, it can happen in the moments prior to going to sleep, waking up in the middle of the night, when I first wake up. It is as though my mind is always in writer mode, thinking about what I have written, what is in editing mode, and the many pending ideas and started articles. I now know and understand that I am a writer and doing what makes me happy.
This writer’s journey is like no other writer.
Writing is not about copying other writers’ success and ways, it about finding the pieces and part that will work for you and making it into your writing habit. There is simply no one size fits all for writers. There can be pieces or sections that work for you and many more that just do not fit.
I have for the last ten plus years been reading and believed that I was going to be a writer. I have read so many articles, suggesting they had found the secrets and the secret sauce to propel anyone into space and you would arrive at writing town where everyone is a successful writer. I paid for “We can make you into a writer” courses, paid for multiple chats with coaches, and none of that seemed to apply to this writer.
I have accumulated a cue of articles. This cue resulted from organizing my idea bank into associated ideas and thoughts. The last go around resulted in the 20 titles with some beginning points and thoughts. I will continue to grow the thoughts and words into sentences. Connect or move the sentences into paragraphs. Move the paragraphs into the right location. Flush out more thoughts to assure what I am writing makes sense and adds value to the reader.
I have changed my plan for the year of 2021 was to continue to writing every day; I do that and have for some time. The second part was to publish every day, I have not nailed that yet, but would like to have an average of one article per day by the end of the year, at least 365 articles published.
This would position me to be a better writer by the end of 2021.
2020 Observations
In 2020 we purchased a new home and spent some time remodeling. During the remodel we met many people who were in a trade they had been in for many years and their children were interested in making that trade their career choice.
Sam the Gardener
We met Sam over 20 years ago while living in the Seattle area. Sam was in his seventies, married for 50 plus years. Sam liked to garden, work with his hands, and touch the soil, rarely wore gloves. For the bigger jobs, Sam had a backhoe. He worked tirelessly on the projects for us, sometimes into the dark, and charged a reasonable price. Sam was comfortable in his skin and doing what he enjoyed. Completing his worked made him happy.
Steve to Computer Guy
Ten years ago, I met Steve. Steve and I discovered we both enjoyed working with computers. Two years earlier, Steve and his wife were mortgage brokers. They did not know of the mortgage business before deciding to learn while opening a mortgage business. He did the same thing when he opened a computer repair business. Learning while flying the plane, so to speak. He had spent several years learning prior to our meeting. I would share my computer knowledge, and he was glad to listen. I enjoyed hanging out and working with Steve. For several years before moving, I helped at this shop for several hours a week. I should have spent more time on writing, but that is all behind me now.
Throughout life some things change, some things stay the same.
We may or may not actually have a hand in those changes.
It is my understanding that every writer’s journey is as different as the uniqueness of a snowflake. I believe that truly. My explanation that the celestial bodies of the universe seemed to align, was the moment the overwhelming feeling of happiness that lingered for a while, was my answer that I am a writer.
The stories of the four tradesman and their sons, Sam the Gardener, and Steve the Computer Guy are examples of the occupations of people where some stayed the same and others changed. The four tradesman and Sam enjoyed what they were doing and had been for years. No need to change. They all were happy, and you could see it on their faces. Steve and I are different, the kind that embrace change, and you could say we are eager to seek new and exciting opportunities in life.
More updates on this writer’s journey as they unfold. I am not sure what lies ahead and am excited to see the future.
Thank you for reading, please share your thoughts.